Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dear Andy

Here's a letter I've just sent to Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano:
Dear County Executive Spano:
The Beeline Bus system, while a great resource for the people of Westchester, suffers from a certain stigma in our car-oriented world, especially here in the northern parts of the County. It seems taking the bus is only acceptable to those who, because of poverty, or physical condition, are unable to drive. This is unfortunate because we could all reap numerous environmental benefits if more of us utilized the Beeline system instead of our private vehicles. In this vein, I am proposing that you take a page out of New York Mayor Bloomberg’s book (he often rides the subway to work at City Hall) and, at least once a week, commute to White Plains by bus. This would make a great statement of your personal commitment to the environment and would help educate the public about the Beeline system. A possible routing for you would be to take the No. 15 express bus which leaves Yorktown Heights around 7:30 AM and arrives in downtown White Plains a little after 8:30. The return express leaves White Plains at 5:00 PM and arrives in Yorktown around 6:00 PM. I’m sure you could put the two hours spent on the roundtrip to good use.


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