Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lisboa Transport

In Portugal, the ghosts of the Salazar years still linger. They intrude at the edge of your vision in the bent-over old people who are everywhere. Even the spirits of the Jews, expelled in 1497, are just beyond your peripheral vision.That said, the twenty-first century leaps out at you in the form of the incredible Vasco da Gama Bridge across the wide Tejo estuary, the ultra-modern toll roads, and the modern architecture (much of dubious merit). Note that the striking Ponte 25 de Abril, which opened in 1966, carries long-distance and commuter rail as well as a roadway across the Tejo while the more recent Vasco da Gama Bridge is only for motor vehicles. This is surprising in a metropolitan area with an excellent mix of public transport. That's the no. 15 tram at the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Belém, in the photo at top.
Ponte 25 de Abril

Elevador da Bica, one of Lisbon's funiculars

Commuter rail terminal, Sintra

Lisbon from the Alcochete waterfront with the Vasco da Gama Bridge at left


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