Thursday, December 27, 2007

Perennial with the Earth

Listen to what may be the only recording of Walt Whitman's voice. He is reading from from America. I hear the old Paumanok accent in these words.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Northern Westchester Vistas

It's turned mild and gray as we head toward the New Year. More like Seattle. We did have some snow and clear days earlier in the month. Here are four shots taken from Hunter Brook Road in Yorktown a week ago. The one with the distant hill is looking down Beekman Court toward the Hemlock Hill Farm and Dickerson Mountain in the Town of Cortlandt. The fourth shot is the final 2007 view of my hill of home.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Challenges Ahead

Please read this sobering assessment of the extremely difficult challenges facing the planet -- from today's Financial Times. This column, by Martin Wolf, underscores the importance of the role of the United States in combating global warming.