Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gray Skies

Typical spring weather in these parts. A storm spinning south and east of the New York Bight is sending via the east wind high clouds and cool ocean air. This kind of setup can last for days. Only a few sprinkles now and then – it’s been quite dry here although a fair amount of rain has fallen just a few miles to the east. The photo was taken a couple of hours ago. View is looking up the hill that rises eastward from Hunter Brook Road in Yorktown. If you drive up Baptist Church Road you’ll cross this hill.

So, I’ve finally struggled to the end of Walden. It’s definitely been worth the effort. I’m debating whether to read next Thoreau’s Cape Cod. Other candidates include Dark Age Ahead by Jane Jacobs (who died last month) and The Place You Love is Gone by Melissa Holbrook Pierson. Now, what would Thoreau thought of Google Earth or Google Maps? I imagine he would have made all kinds of connections and discoveries. Here’s a link to a satellite/map hybrid from Google Maps, which shows Concord and Walden Pond. Thoreau’s grave is in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery on Bedford Street (Route 62) to the right of downtown Concord. A final word about Thoreau: When the Christians take over (they’re 90% there), Thoreau will be erased from our American memory. Henry spent too much time sitting around reading the Hindu Vedas. And it was Thoreau who said, “It is necessary not to be a Christian to appreciate the beauty and significance of the life of Christ.”


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